If you create a sartup there are two ways to succesfully turn it into a company.
1) Glamourus way
2) Hard work and traditional way
The firt way seems, from the tech media point of view, the only way.
Create a startup, setup a pre-launch, create as much hype as posible, start with a crippled website offering a simple service or product and go to all networking events, shows, etc.
Focus on communication and hype. Your target: get investors in to generate more and more hype to finally try to get a good exit.
The second way is more traditional. Start with your own devices, create a solid product or service, focus on improving your product, treat every customer as she or he is the only one, include its feedback in your product, iterate, even weekly!
The second way must keep a low media profile, just for a question of time and focus.
In this second model your main target is to generate cash day after day, create word of mouth thanks to your first customers sattisfaction and reach break even as soon as possible. In this point is important to improve, not only the product, the administrative process and customer care procedures (invoicing systems, email templates, etc.)
In Easypromos we are really fans of this second model, the ant way. Wakeup early and DO things, not only sell smoke to possible investors (what is too a very boring and frustrating process)
There are lots of succesful companies following that model without receiving enough media coverage, we mirror for example in github, you an read this interview for most info.
If we wake up early, really early. We're unstoppable! - Pep Guardiola, Barça's Coach (video)