Per fi he contribuït al Firefox Download Day 2008

Per fiiiiiiiiii, he aconseguit baixar-me la versió final del Firefox 3, si volien aconseguir 1 milió de downloads en 24 hores, crec que van sobrats, en 1 hora i mitja ja porten 545.000 downloads (and counting)

Aquí una imatge del Firefox3 baixant:

I aquí una de les estadístiques de download a les 20:30 hora de Barcelona (l'event començava a les 19:00)

Firefox download day, de moment morint d'exit

Fa una bona estona que m'intento descarregar el Firefox 3 (encara que ja fa dies que vaig instal·lant les Release Candidates) i no hi ha manera. La Web de l'spread firefox esta totalment colapsada.

Com a mínim he obtingut el meu certificat en PDF de que he participat al Firefox Download Day 2008

Com crear un CDN gratis utilitzant Google App Engine

Un amic meu que no soc jo :) ha fet un bonic tutorial de com crear un CDN utilitzant la infraestructura mundial de google.

Article sobre com crear un CDN gratis amb "google app engine"

En nomes 68 linies de Python !

Es gratis fins a 5 milions de pageviews al mes.


Nou iPhone amb 3G i GPS

Per fi han anuncia el nou iPhone.

Crec que a aquest no em podre resistir, 200$ fins 300$

Es menjaran el mercat, garantit !

Be Brave Benjamin al minimúsica del Primavera Sound


The end of the double-enter ?

Some years ago, 3 to 4 years, firefox start prompting for "Do you want Firefox to remember this password" (I think it was from FF 1.5 but not really sure)

From then the anoying "remember this password" popup has driven us to what I call "The double-enter syndrome", when you enter some login credentials in any site, you usually tend to hit double-enter to, first, submit the form, and then take the default action of the remember-this-password popup.

No need to say that Internet Explorer 7 follows the new trend and makes you choice with a popup if you want to store or not the password, good for them, don't innovate, copy-it.

I think it's one of the worst ideas that Firefox have introduced in the browsers standards, do you remember the double-click ?

Now we have double-enter :)

But Firefox 3 comes to the rescue, the new popup is not a modal window, is more like an option that remains below the browser toolbar (maybe it has to disappear after a while for security reasons ?). It's a lot better than the modal dialog and avoids the double-enter syndrome, oh yeah !

We're all waiting to switch to the new FF3 for the memory leaks issues, but the change in the double-enter behaviour will be one more good reason to change.

IE8 will follow this FF change ?

PS: There're options to change the double-enter default behaviour in FF2 and IE7, but the 90% of the people don't change the options of the browser and that's one of the greatness of the web (and usually the worst nigthmare of the web developer community)


Els festivals ja tenen moltes canes

Si noiets i noietes, després d'un cap de setmana intens de Primavera Sound 2008, podem constatar dues coses:

- El Fórum fa molta pudor (en lloc de Fòrum li hauríem de dir Ferum)
- La mitja d'edat dels festivals s'incrementa i les canes fan aparició a tort i a dret.

Per això per no quedar-nos com el cantant de Dinosaur jr. haurem de començar a utilitzar "grecian 2000" o "lady grecian", per quan un BuyVIP de grecian2000 ?


Espero properament tenir un moment per penjar les fotos i videos d'aquests dies