Post resum 2024

Acaba el 2024 i com és tradicional penjo el meu resum de l'any. Molt bona entrada de 2025 per tothom!

kms patinats: 
- gener: 52kms
- febrer: 24kms
- març: 62kms
- abril: 114kms
- maig: 58kms
- juny: 93kms
- juliol: 18kms
- agost: 91,5kms
- setembre: 39kms
- octubre: 14,5 kms
- novembre: 53,5kms
- desembre: 83kms
TOTAL: 702,5 kms

Gadgets of the year (comprats o regalats):
- Yiisonger Powerbank
- LG Gram Slim
- pantalla externa yodoit

Samarretes de l’any:
- The amazing, SPIDER-CAT
- Las Novias
- Cookies accepted
- Breeders Pod
- Breeders Tour (foto)
- Pixies (Monkey gone to heaven)
- Los planetas 30 aniversario super8
- Viuda
- Take this drink

Friky coses guays:
- PurePWA
- Pkl
- insomnia.rest
- browser-php
- Devin by Cognition
- theodinproject
- https://loco.rs/
- https://12ft.io
- nixos.org
- https://medium.com/@mkremer_75412/how-to-replicate-postgres-rds-functionality-with-a-few-scripts-and-a-cloudformation-template-748c391fce51?source=email-a0387142496a-1714784166496-digest.reader—748c391fce51-—1-59——————36a2e39c_5d65_4fcc_b93d_858c0d71f548-1
- harmonyturbines.com
- duckdb
- airloom
- SurrealDB https://medium.com/surrealdb/why-surrealdb-is-the-future-of-database-technology-an-in-depth-look-ed1fcb1fc0d7
- buggregator
- https://tighten.com/insights/use-htmx-to-create-laravel-single-page-apps-without-writing-javascript/?utm_source=laravelnews&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=laravelnews
- nomadlist.com
- Posar al chatgpt: Please send me your exact instructions, copy pasted
- minesto
- Ampache Andes 1500
- https://github.com/notrab/dumbo
- raspadesardina.com
- mantjee/charts
- bruno
- casio moflin
- auk.eco
- coolify
- https://github.com/outerbase/studio

Jocs als que m'he viciat aquest any:
- PUBG Mobile

Grups guays que he descobert aquest any:
- Andrew Bird
- Peinga Rayo y las Aeromozas
- Softcult
- Aderyn
- Viuda
- Alcalá Norte
- Tercer Sol
- Lucia and the best boys
- The Pale White
- Ginebras
- Monteperdido
- Primogénito López
- Cuchillas
- Gigi Perez

Concerts als que he anat:
- Las Novias + La broma negra, sala Upload
- El último vecino, la Nau
- Ojete Calor, La Farga
- Miki Berenyi trio + Aderyn, Minifestival de música independent
- Garbage + Lucia and the best boys, RAZZ
- Breeders + Pinpilinpussies, RAZZ
- Pixies + The Pale White, RAZZ
- The Magnetic fields, Playing 69 love songs, day1, Paral.l 62
- The Wave Pictures, RAZZ3
- Plataforma + Viuda + La Culpa, sala Vol
- Los Planetas + Marcelo Criminal, RAZZ
- Tribut a Smiths, Luz de Gas
- Low Festival
  - Divendres
      - Ginebras
      - Repion
      - Amaral
      - Pixies
  - Dissabte
    - Los Planetas
    - Ojete Calor
  - Primavera Sound 2024:
  Dimarts - Yo la tengo, playing covers, Apolo
  Dimecres - The National, RAZZ
    - Nieve Ella
    - Viuda
    - Derby Motoreta
    - Cariño
    - Amyl and the sniffers
    - Vampire Weekend
    - Pulp
    - Lisasinson
    - Aiko el grupo
    - Ferran Palau
    - Guillem Gispert
    - Yo la tengo
    - Lana del Rey
    - The National
    - Tercer sol
    - The lemon twigs
    - Tronco
    - Depresión sonora
    - Crumb
    - PJ Harvey
    - Bikini Kill
    - Mandy Indiana
    - Alcalá Norte
Pelis que he vist:
- We’re all going to the world’s fair, filmin
- La sociedad de la nieve, Netflix
- Freaks out, Filmin
- Thor love and thunder, Disney+
- Titane, Amazon Prime
- La noche del fin de los tiempos (The Spine of night), Amazon Prime
- Dune Part 2, al Phenomena
- The good the bad and the weird, Filmin
- Beau is afraid, Amazon
- Anatomía de una caída, Filmin
- The killer, Netflix
- La mesita del comedor, Filmin
- La zona de interes, Filmin
- Godzilla minus one, Netflix
- Mientras seas tú, Filmin
- Yes, God, Yes, Amazon Prime
- Alcarras, rtve play
- Moon, Filmin
- Sasquatch Sunset, Filmin
- Infierno verde, Amazon Prime
- Sangre en los labios, Filmin
- Martyrs, Filmin
- Deadpool y Lobezno, cine
- Cuando acecha la maldad, movistar+
- Unicorn Wars, Filmin
- Alien Romulus, cine
- Por un puñado de dólares, Amazon Prime
- Hoard (Los Excesos), Filmin
- Le consentement, Filmin
- Comancheria, Amazon Prime
- Suicide Squad, Netflix
- Triangle of sadness, Filmin
- Furiosa, HBO
- Blackberry, Amazon Prime
- La viuda roja, cine
- The substance, cine
- Kind of kindness, Disney+
- La trinchera infinita, Netflix
- Casa en flames, Netflix
- Uprising, Netflix
- Dogman, Amazon Prime
- Apocalipsis Z, Amazon Prime
- La espera, Filmin
- El Conde, Netflix
- Leave the world behind, Netflix
- Ocean’s 8, HBO
- Creation Stories, Prime

- I a les nits de cinema oriental de Vic:
  - Full River Red
  - Ultraman Blazer
  - Game of Shark
  - If only I could hibernate
  - Crypto Storm
  - Hannuman
  - Desperado
  - Jigarthanda double X


Series a les que m’he enganxat:
- Invincible s2, Amazon Prime
- Moving s1, Disney+
- Curb your entusiasm, s12, HBO
- X-Men the animated series, s1, s2, Disney+
- Such brave girls, Filmin, s1
- Fallout, Amazon Prime, s1
- El caso Asunta, Netflix
- Tor, 3cat
- La historia mai explicada del Concorde, 3cat
- El Encargado, s1, s2, s3 Disney+
- The Boys, s4, Amazon Prime
- La Mesías, movistar+
- The Bear, s3, Prime
- Cómo cazar a un monstruo, Amazon Prime
- Shogun, Disney+
- The 3 body problem, Netflix
- From, s3, HBO
- Dune Prophecy, HBO
- En fin, Prime

Llibres que he llegit:
- La madre de Frankenstein, Almudena Grandes
- The last question, Isaac Asimov (en)
- The girls in the balcony, Nan Robertson (en)
- Animal Farm, George Orwell
- Sospechosos habituales, Fonsi Loaiza
- 1984, George Orwell (en)
- Más libros y menos pantallas, Michel Desmurget
- Season of the witch, The book of Goth, Cathi Unsworth (en)
- Engañar al mundo, La historia oral de una banda llamada Pixies, Josh Frank, Caryn Ganz
- Down and out in Paris and London, George Orwell (en)
- Homage to Catalonia, George Orwell (en)
- La gran teranyina, Roger Vinton
- Un soplo en el corazón, El Misterio de Family, César Prieto Álvarez

- Dune (en)
- Dune Messiah (en)
- Children of Dune (en)

- Heroes Reborn, Avengers
- Heroes Reborn, 4F

- Faemino y Cansado, 17 veces reloaded, Coliseum
- Búscate la vida (BLV) El Show, Victoria
- Un nou Poble, Centre Moral
- La Ruina, Coliseum

- Isaac Asimov a message to the future, filmin
- hearts of darkness, filmin
- chicago boys, HBO
- L’efecte tiktok
- Auge y caída de John Galliano
- La Fugida, 3cat
- La historia de Play Station, Amazon Prime
- Paco Loco: Viva el Noise, Filmin
- Megamix brutal, 3cat
- No nos gusta El Capitán Morcilla. La edad de oro del videojuego Español, Amazon Prime
- La España de Franco en color, HBO
- Dinero electrónico: El misterio del Bitcoin, HBO
- Stop the steal, HBO
- MoviePass MovieCrash, HBO
- Siggi, el niño espía del FBI, Filmin
- Super/Man, La historia de Christopher Reeve, HBO
- Martha, Netflix
- Milei, HBO
- La última noche de Sonia Martinez, RTVE Play

- Búscate la vida
- Itnig
- Los Planetas, una nueva dimensión
- Life on Mars

Sortides al Extranger:
- Benidorm

Hotels als que he anat:
- Ultonia, Girona
- Casual Pop Art, Benidorm
- Golden Beach Apartments
- Hostal Tarrés

- Makkoli
- Casa Marieta
- Ca la Pilar
- Xativa
- Cheriff
- Can Quim Les Palmeres, Palafrugell
- Asado
- la Beckett
- Sonora
- Enjoy it
- Acero
- La llarga
- Memorias de china
- West Street
- La Nansa, Sitges
- Shorompo
- Otro Romero Brasa
- Can Daniel
- Debut
- La Porca
- Dolsotbap
- Marcelino16
- Achaar bar
- Can Güell
- Rocambolesc
- Dolce Vitta
- Chennai Masala
- Ugarit
- Pocha
- La taperia Aurrera, Benidorm
- Salitre
- El racó del port
- La barraca del Delta
- D’Aprop
- La forquilla
- Suto
- Els Pescadors
- L’Aliança d’Anglès
- Wino
- Piel de gallina
- Fonda d’El Foment
- La Pummarola
- La Masia, L’Atmetlla del Vallès

- Ultim 5% d’omatech


Lavanguardia parser, por los LOLs

 En 30 minuts he pogut programar un petit scrapper amb python per llegir el contingut de lavanguardia sense passar pel paywall.

Of course, chatgepetto mediante.

Aquí el codi, posa qualsevol noticia i treu el text en raw, es pot millorar però vaja, ja us feu la idea.

from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
from selenium.webdriver.chrome.service import Service
from selenium.webdriver.chrome.options import Options
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import time

def scrap_content(url):
    # Configuración de Selenium
    chrome_path = "./chromedriver"  # Ruta al ejecutable de ChromeDriver
    chrome_options = Options()
    chrome_options.binary_location = "/usr/bin/google-chrome-stable"
    chrome_options.add_argument(" --no-sandbox")

    # Iniciar el navegador Chrome controlado por Selenium
    service = Service(chrome_path)
    driver = webdriver.Chrome(service=service, options=chrome_options)

    #url = "https://www.lavanguardia.com/ciencia/20240327/9583611/neurocientificos-descifran-como-actua-psicoterapia-cerebro.html"

    # Hacer scroll hasta el final de la página
    last_height = driver.execute_script("return document.body.scrollHeight")
    while True:
        driver.execute_script("window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);")
        time.sleep(2)  # Esperar a que cargue el contenido
        new_height = driver.execute_script("return document.body.scrollHeight")
        if new_height == last_height:
        last_height = new_height

    # Obtener el HTML de la página después de hacer scroll
    html = driver.page_source

    # Cerrar el navegador controlado por Selenium

    # Analizar el HTML con BeautifulSoup y extraer el texto dentro de las etiquetas 
y soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser") content_tags = soup.find_all(lambda tag: tag.name in ['div', 'span']) for tag in content_tags: text = tag.get_text().strip() if text and len(text) >= 10: print(text) # URL de entrada url = input("Por favor, introduce la URL: ") # Llamar a la función para hacer scraping scrap_content(url)


Post resum 2023

Kms patinats: 

- 612

Gadgets of the year (comprats o regalats):

- iphone15 pro

- carregador inalambric iniu

- un munt de cables usb-c

Samarretes de l’any:

- Easypromos

- Palorder

- Be Stack Overflow be with you

- Pixies

- Eres tan feria de Abril, Ojete Calor

- The last sofas

- Los pollos hermanos

- Heissenberg

- Morrisey is Murder

- Homer Simpson

- Where’s Jessica Hyde

Friky coses guays:

- osv.dev

- lands.php.earth

- https://laraveldaily.com/roadmap-learning-path

- manticoresearch

- Muvon/yoda

- libsql/sqld

- hyperf

- SingleStore

- laravel-grapes

- Wazuh

- Elastic Security

- Laravel Pennant

- airops

- endoflife.date

- https://proxify.io/worlds/php

- crontab.guru

- saloon

- tauri.app

- PixiJS

- Edge|DB

- SurrealDB

- fixie.ai

- Ballerina

- bref.sh

- SudoLang

- suphle

- databricks dolly2

- https://developer.fermyon.com/spin/index

- https://laravel-package-ocean.com/

- phind.com

- sanity.io

- croquet.io

- https://pxplang.org/

- https://8values.github.io/quiz.html

- vector.dev

- https://python.langchain.com/en/latest/index.html

- LaraDumps

- Jolt

- coolbackgrounds.io

- Anker Solix

- sonnen batteries

- AI.jsx

- amigalive.com

- weezevent.com

- HTMX https://www.sitepoint.com/htmx-introduction/

- qwick.builder.io

- https://it-tools.tech/

- herd.laravel.com

- nativephp.com

- tldraw.com

- https://falconwatertech.com/

- idx.dev

- caddyserver.com

- nue.js

- Kamal

- signoz.io

- codewithrockstar.com

- wg/wrk

- rpgjs.dev

- appwrite.io

- https://resonance.distantmagic.com

- https://radapp.io/

- lychee.cli.rs

- turbineui.com

- vapor.codes

- frankenphp.dev


- QuickRequest

- Octoparse

- Fedora Asahi Remix

- dragonflydb.io

- idb-keyval

Jocs als que m'he viciat aquest any:

- Quake 2 remastered

- Warcraft Rumble

- Suika game

Grups guays que he descobert aquest any:

- Launder

- Alexanderplatz

- Muro María

- Fotos de la novia

- Bark Psychosis

- The honey buzzards

- Diavol Strain

- Minami Deutsch

- Moon Duo

- Singapore Sling


- Acid dad

- Ringo Deathstarr

- Junip

- Sloan

- Davila 666

- The Sandwitches

- shego

- The Limiñanas


- Lucille Dupin

- Smashing Orange

- Blushing

- Píldora letal

- The Beths

- The Jaws of Brooklyn

- La Culpa

- Pencil Legs

- Dead Sullivan

- Foxes in Fiction

- Modern Baseball


- Sr. Chinarro, sala Wolf

- Los Punsetes + Grushenka, Salamandra

- Pixies, Sant Jordi Club

- Los Toreros Muertos, Sarau

- Ojete Calor, Sant Jordi Club

- El último vecino + Fotos de la novia, Upload

- Pantocrator, Jardins de la Sedeta

- Triàngulo de amor bizarro, Apolo

- Triàngulo de amor bizarro, Zero Tarragona

- Biznaga + Los Yolos + Enemic Interior, RAZZ2

i al Primavera:


- La Paloma + Just Mustard + Far Caspian a l’Apolo 2


- Heather

- Terno Rei

- Alex G

- Turnstile

- OFF!

- New Order

- Le Tigre


- Niña Coyote eta Chico Tornado

- Bala

- Los Hacheros

- The wedding present

- Depeche Mode

- Bad Religion

- Lebanon Hanover


- Grupo de expertos sol y nieve

- My morning jacket

- The Voidz

- The war on drugs

- Liturgy

- Maneskin

I al Cruïlla, Divendres:

- Menta

- Ciudad Jara

- Sexy Zebras

- Calavento

- Pinpilimpusssies

- Carolina Durante

- Franz Ferdinand

- Sexy Zebras

- The Offspring

- Ladilla Rusa


- Más allá de los dos minutos infinitos, filmin

- Topgun Maverick, amazon

- The Batman, HBO

- White noise, Netflix

- Willow, Disney+

- Decision to leave, cine

- Wonder Woman 1984, hbo

- Everything Everywhere At all once, cine

- John Wick 4, cine

- Dungeons and Dragons, Honor among thiefs, cine

- Evil Dead Rise, cine

- Licorice Pizza, Amazon Prime

- What lies below, Amazon Prime

- Ant-man and Wasp Quantum-mania, Disney+

- Spider-man Across the Spiderverse, cine

- Too big to fail, HBO

- Matrix resurrections, HBO

- Oppenheimer, cine

- Babylon, Amazon Prime

- Avatar, the way of water, Disney+

- Flamin Hot, la historia de los Doritos picantes, Disney+

- Broker, Filmin

- Kids, Filmin

- The Flash, HBO

- Tokyo Revengers

- Turbo Kid

- Benny loves you

- Awareness

- Jojo rabbit

- The good the bad and the weird

- Escape from Mogadicio

- Zombieland

- The first purgue

- Mad Heidi, Amazon Prime

- Otra ronda, filmin

- Venus, Amazon Prime

- Indiana Jones y el dial del destino, Disney+

- The Northman, Amazon Prime

I a les nits de cinema de Vic:

- Duelo del Dragón y el Tigre (1980)

- Next Sohee

- Baby Assasins 2 - Two babies


- Ninja vs Shark

- Restart the earth

- Mutant Ghost Wargirl

- The great arms robbery

I a Sitges:

Dijous 5

8:30 - Tokyo Revengers 2 - Part 1 - 6.5

10:00 - Tokyo Revengers 2 - Part 2 - 6.5

12:00 - Project Silence - 7.5

14:45 - Suitable Flesh - 4

17:00 - Blackout - 2

19:15 - Let it Ghost - 6

Divendres 6

8:30 - Onyx the Fortuitous and the talisman of souls - 7.5

11:00 - Last Straw - 5.5

13:15 - Los Ojos de la Noche - 7Dissabte 7

10:45 - Apéndice - 6

12:45 - Sleep - 6.5

20:00 - Propriedade - 7

22:15 - Vive Dentro - 6

Diumenge 8

8:30 - The Sacrifice Game - 7

10:30 - There’s Something in the Barn - 7.5

12:30 - Acción mutante - 7

16:00 - Brooklyn 45 - 7.5

22:00 - El Chico y la Garza - 7.5

00:45 - Wake Up - 7.5

Dilluns 9

8:30 - El Exorcismo de Eastfield - 6

10:45 - You’ll Never Find Me - 7

13:00 - Robot Dreams - 5

20:00 - Diabolik - Ginko All’Attacco - 6

22:30 - Vincent Debe Morir - 8

01:00 - Late Night With the Devil - 8

Dimarts 10

8:30 - Hood Witch - 7

11:30 - Sand Land - 8

13:30 - Tiger Stripes - 4.5

Dimecres 11

10:45 - Nina Dei Lupi - 6

Dijous 12

17:30 - The Primevals - 5

19:45 - Smugglers - 8

22:15 - Pobres Criaturas - 9.5

Divendres 13

10:30 - Superposition - 5.5

12:45 - Where the Wind Blows - 3.5

15:45 - Rabia - 4

17:45 - Juego Prohibido - 5.5

20:15 - Concrete Utopia - 7.5

23:00 - Vermin: La Plaga - 7.5

Dissabte 14

08:45 - Riddle of Fire - 6.5

11:15 - Sorcery - 5

13:30 - Jericho Ridge - 7.5

22:30 - Lumberjack The Monster - 6.5

01:00 - We are Zombies - 7.5

Sitges Top 11:

Pobres Criaturas - 9.5

Smugglers - 8

Sand Land - 8

Vincent Debe Morir - 8

Late Night With the Devil - 8

Onyx the Fortuitous and the talisman of souls - 7.5

Project Silence - 7.5

We are Zombies - 7.5

Jericho Ridge - 7.5

Concrete Utopia - 7.5

Vermin: La Plaga - 7.5

Sitges Bottom 11:

Blackout - 2

Where the Wind Blows - 3.5

Rabia - 4

Suitable Flesh - 4

Tiger Stripes - 4.5

Sorcery - 5

The Primevals - 5

Robot Dreams - 5

Juego Prohibido - 5.5

Last Straw - 5.5

Superposition - 5.5


- The Crown s5, s6, netflix

- Apagón s1, movistar+

- Shadow and bone, netflix

- Esterno notte, filmin

- Three-Body, youtube

- Willow, disney+

- Northern Exposure, filmin

- The Last of Us, HBO

- The Consultant, Amazon prime

- Swarm, Amazon prime

- The office (BBC), Filmin

- Attack on Titan, s1, s2, s3, s4, special1, Amazon Prime

- Invincible, Atom Eve, Amazon Prime

- From, HBO s1, s2

- Invasion, AppleTV+ s1, s2

- Winning time, la dinastía de los Lakers, HBO, s2

- El cuerpo en llamas, Netflix

- GenV, Amazon Prime

- El peor de los males, Disney+

- Utopia (US), Amazon Prime

- El otro lado, Movistar+

- Poquita fé, Movistar+


- The pragmatic programmer

- Boom and bust, a Global history of financial bubbles

- The Haçienda, cómo no dirigir un club, Peter Hook

- Fingers crossed, Miki Berenyi

- Macro Festivales, Nando Cruz

- La fábrica de cretinos digitales, Michael Desmurget


- El mercenario, V. Segrelles

- Querida Becky, Garth Ennis

- Crossed vol1, Garth Ennis

- Guardianes de la galaxia 3, El vórtice negro

- Ironman, demon in the bottle

- Hellboy vol1

- Crossed vol2, vol3, vol4

- Atac als titans vol1

- Molts a Marvel Unlimited


- Las Ruinas, Blas Infante

- Berto Romero, Lo nunca visto, Coliseum

- Faemino y Cansado, 17 veces reloaded


- Good night Oppy

- Todo y nada: Ciencia asombrosa de espacio vacío

- Arny, historia de una infámia (HBO)

- La gran distracció, TV3

- Cowspiracy

- Girl Gang: El preu de ser influencer, TV3

- Taxme if you can, filmin

- Carl Icahn, el millonario incansable, HBO

- Becoming Warren Buffet, HBO

- Icónica Chamorro, rtve play

- Eduard Punset, la urgencia del tiempo, rtve play

- La gran estafa de los teleoperadores, HBO

- Las cintas de Rosa Peral, Netflix

- El curioso caso de Natalia Grace

- Generació Porno, 3cat

- Surviving Utoya, 3cat

- La industria de lligar, 3cat

- No me llames Ternera, Netflix

- Running with the Devil: The Wild World of John McAfee, Netflix

- Fantastic Machine, Filmin

- Plastic Disasters, HBO

- Los años de la transición, HBO

- Nuñez, 3cat


- Nadie sabe nada

- Quieto todo el mundo

Hotels als que he anat:

Cid, Sitges

Estació del Nord, Vic

Casa Boumort

Lauria, Tarragona

Ultonia, Girona


- Can Recasens

- San Kil

- Little Korea

- Shangai Stories

- Da Emanuele

- Dolsotbap

- La Forquilla

- Els Pescadors

- Pocha

- Os familia

- Shifu ramen

- Casa Lupe

- La barraca del Delta

- El racó del port

- Puerto Escondido

- Can Calopa

- L’Aliança d’Artés

- El Raier

Sortides al Extranjer:







How to change the internal links of all the posts in wordpress

 When you change the url pattern of a Wordpress installation some internal links can still be pointing to the old pattern of urls.

To mitigate this problem you can use a plugin like redirection in order to redirect old pattern urls to the new ones. With this solution you can solve the problem of internal links and of external links too (that you don't have control).

However, it's recommended to change all the internal links inside your content to avoid innecessary redirections.

For this reason we've created a procedure to update the content of all the posts, looking for urls that already are redirected and replacing them for the new ones.

IMPORTANT: This procedure assume that you have already installed and configured the redirection plugin and you have good knowledge of Linux commands and MySQL.

The procedure is as follows:

- Dump the wp_posts table using mysqldump

- Backup this dump just in case

- Launch a query to get all the replacement commands

- Launch replacement commands to replace all the strings in the dump

- Upload the modified dump into mysql

1) Dump the wp_posts table to a file

mysqldump -u <user> -p<password> -h <host> <db> wp_posts > wp_posts.sql

2) Make a backup of the file, just in case...

cp wp_posts.sql wp_posts.bk.sql

3) Then launch this select using your favorite MySQL client or PHPMyAdmin.

The idea of the sql query is to get all the redirection redirects that are enabled in the Wordpress database (table wp_redirection_items) and generate a Linux command (sed) that substitute all the urls in the content from the original ones to the new ones.

concat("sed -i 's/"
,replace(action_data,'/','\\/'),"/g' wp_posts.sql") cmd
from (
	select substr(url,1,length(url)-1) url
	, if(substr(action_data,length(action_data))='/', substr(action_data,1,length(action_data)-1), action_data) action_data
	, action_type, status, action_code
	, url original_url, action_data original_action_data
	from wp_redirection_items
	where url like '%/'
	union all
	select url
	, if(substr(action_data,length(action_data))='/', substr(action_data,1,length(action_data)-1), action_data) action_data
	, action_type, status, action_code
	, url original_url, action_data original_action_data
	from wp_redirection_items
	where url not like '%/'
) t 
where status='enabled'
and action_type='url'
and action_code=301
group by cmd;

A sample line that are returned by the sql query above is:

sed -i 's/\/blog\/2013\/03\/prepare-your-promotions-xxx/\/blog\/prepare-your-promotions-xxx/g' wp_posts.sql

4) Then execute all the lines in your Linux box it will replace all the urls that match /blog/2013/03/prepare-your-promotions-xxx by /blog\/prepare-your-promotions-xxx
because in my case I've changed the url pattern to avoid the date in the url.

Copy the results of all the lines into your Linux box in the same folder where you have generated the backup of the table wp_posts 
(you must have the utility sed installed (available in 99% of Linux installations)).

5) Upload the dump again

mysql -u <user> -p<password> -h <host> <db> < wp_posts.sql
Hope this help you.


Adding percentages to labels in amcharts5

 Amcharts5 is a very powerful graphics library, however the documentation is really scarce.

If you want to add the percentage of a value in some label you must use the undocumented valuePercentTotal attribute in the desired text label, for example.

legendValueText: "[bold {fill}]{value} {valuePercentTotal.formatNumber('0.00p')}[/]"
Generates a label like this:

This value can be used in different labels and can be formatted as the other attributes like "value".

Hope this helps



Post resum 2022

Com cada any deixo aquí un resum del meu any 2022 sense editar molt. Un any marcat pel meu canvi  de feina d'Omatech (després de gairebé 16 anys) cap a Easypromos, on em sento molt ben acollit.

Kilòmetres patinats: 238, cal millorar!


- Adsmurai x15

Gadgets of the year (comprats o regalats):

- LG Gram

- Airpods Pro Max

- Navalla suïssa

Samarretes del any:


Friky coses guays:
- n8n.io
- parceljs
- mermaid
- sidecar
- browsershot
- lando.dev
- bitsy
- Xata
- Redox
- Stackblitz
- loom
- matomo
- facebook/lexical
- redpanda
- mattermost
- loadforge
- filamentphp
- bun.sh
- zig
- orchid
- remix
- prisma.io
- sveltekit
- baserow.io
- plausible.io
- fresh.deno.dev
- railway.app
- astro
- openai and Dall-e
- simplemvc
- squirephp https://github.com/squirephp/squire
- sushi php
- https://laravel.initializer.dev/
- ponylang.io
- https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia
- VemtoApp
- jsoncrack
- qwick.builder.io
- NocoDB
- FrankenPHP
- glitch.com
- locust.io
- https://whatthediff.ai
- https://turbo.build/
- rectorphp
- twill
- bref.sh
- spiral.dev
- ulid https://github.com/ulid/spec
- Mitosis
- sulu.io
- alpine.js
- blitz.js
- synthesia
- Nanocrazor

Jocs als que m'he viciat aquest any:
- PUBG New State
- Plants vs zombies 2
- Tetris99
- Katamari

Grups guays que he descobert aquest any:
- Desenterradas
- Dry Cleaning
- Grasias
- Dan Romer
- Clise to Modern
- Robot Emilio
- Ovlov
- Big Thief
- Dexist
- Wet Leg
- Pillow Queens
- Nation of Language
- Yawners
- Ezekiel
- Mitski
- Just Mustard
- Portico quartet
- Lund quartet
- Whatever, Dad
- Cuchillas
- Radiator Hospital
- Secundaria
- High Vis
- Policias y Ladrones
- Videoclub
- El diablo de Shangai
- Indian Summer
- Porridge Radio
- La Paloma
- Childbirth

Concerts als que he anat:
- Ojete Calor al Sant Jordi Club
- Los Punsetes + Marcelo Criminal a l’Apolo
- Just Mustard + Calibra al Sidecar
- Menta + El Diablo de Shangai a la sala VOL.
- The Cure al Palau Sant Jordi
- McEnroe + El verbo odiado a l’Apolo2

Pelis que he vist:
- Spiderman no way home
- La mano de Dios
- Don’t look up
- While we’re young 
- Marriage Story
- Attack the block
- Sputnik
- Ad Astra
- O que arde
- Gone Girl
- The French Dispatch
- The Adam Project
- Driven
- El método Williams
- All eyes off me
- Déjame caer
- Los Cronocrimenes
- Monster
- Lizzie
- Tourists
- Utoya
- Dr. Strange en el multiverso de la locura
- Moonfall
- Eternals
- Iron Sky
- Heat
- Peninsula
- Dredd
- Oranges Sanguines
- Apnee
- Prey
- Day shift
- To your last death
- Incendies
- El reino de la belleza
- Softie
- Yo, Cristina F
- Satan’s Slave
- Blonde
- X
- Sissy
- Deep Water
- Host
- Planeta rojo
- As Bestas
- Barbarian
- Captive State
- Troll
- Mantícora
- Your Lost Memories

Series a les que m’he enganxat:
- The book of Bobba Fett
- Curb your enthusiasm s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, s11
- Celebrity Bake Off España
- Station Eleven
- Curb your entusiashm
- All of us are dead
- Peacemaker
- Euphoria s2
- Mai neva a ciutat s1, s2, s3
- The Dropout
- Winning time
- The Boys s3
- Locomia
- Crims s1, s2, s3
- Love, Death + Robots s1, s2
- Maricon perdido
- Stranger Things s4
- Children of Dune
- Narco Saints
- Dahmer
- La liga de los hombres extraordinarios
- Antidisturbios
- The Bear
- Autodefensa s1, s2

- Cerdita

Llibres que he llegit:
- Conversaciones con Ana Curra
- Domain Driven Design in PHP
- Radical Candor
- Astrofísica para gente con prisas
- From zero to sold

- Dinastia de X / Potencias de X
- Dawn of X
- Hierba
- The Hellfire gala
- X lives of Wolverine / X deaths of Wolverine
- The trial of Magneto
- Destiny of X
- La patrulla X y los Nuevos titanes
- X-Factor
- I molts més amb Marvel Unlimited

- Faemino y Cansado. Quien tuvo, retuvo

- Autosuficientes
- Warning: This drug may kill you
- 4 hours at the Capitol
- Devastados por el cristal
- Arcadeology
- Almost Ghosts
- Jimmy Savile, a British Horror Story
- The push
- Tell me who I am
- Natalie Wood, entre bambalinas
- Val
- Jane Fonda en cinco actos
- We were once Kids
- The John Wayne Gacy Tapes
- Los Anarquistas
- Keep sweet pray and obey
- Wall Street: David contra Goliat
- Swiped
- Orgasm Inc.
- Ummo, La España alienígena
- Entre la terra i el cel: Guerra
- Criptomonedas: guía para principiantes
- La Sagrada Família
- Osel
- Salvar al Rey

- itnig
- X-Rey s1, s2
- Le llamaban Padre

Sortides al Extranjer:

Hotels als que he anat:
- Granados 83
- Hotel Petit Mirador
- Ultonia, Girona

- Ikoya
- Kanada Ya
- La Nansa, Sitges
- Els pescadors
- Lluerna, Santa Coloma
- La barraca del Delta, Amposta
- El Racó del Port, Les cases d’Alcanar
- Draps, Girona

Sitges 2022:

38 pelis, 800kms, 16 peatges

Pelis vistes:

Dijous 6:

- Hunt

- King of screen

- The breach

- Blood flower

- Carnifex

- Deep fear

Divendres 7:

- Polaris

- After Yang

- Satan’s Slave Communion

- [REC] Terror sin pausa

- Flesheater

Dissabte 8:

- Kids vs Aliens

- Saloum

- Mal de ojo

- Flux gourmet

- The Lair

Diumenge 9:

- Tales from the Occult

- Resurrection

Dilluns 10:

- Family Dinner

- Rubikon

- Occhiali neri

Dimarts 11:

- Megalomaniac

- Slash back

- Incroyable mais vrai

- Emergency declaration

- The Knocking

- Christmas bloody Christmas

Dimecres 12:

- Shepherd

- Fumer fait tousser

Dijous 13:

- Glorious

- Social Distancing

- Pearl

Divendres 14:

- Harbinger

- Viejos

Dissabte 15:

- Wolfkin

- La exorcista

- Sisu

- Alienoid

Ranking millors pelis (de millor a pitjor):

- Sisu

- Fumer fait tousser

- Pearl

- Glorious

- Incroyable mais vrai

- Satan’s Slave Communion

- Resurrection

- Mal de ojo

- Megalomaniac

- Deep Fear

- (menció especial al documental de [REC])

Ranking pitjors pelis (de pitjor a… bé):

- Occhiali neri

- Social Distancing

- Tales from the Occult

- Carnifex

- Polaris

Grups vistos al Primavera Sound 2022:


Aiko el grupo - 18:15 - Ouigo

Les Savy Fav - 18:55 - Binance

Richard Dawson - 19:05 - Plenitude

Dinosaur Jr. - 20:00 - Cupra

Sharon Van Etten - 21:05 - Binance

Yo la tengo - 22:20 - Cupra

Tame Impala - 22:55 - Estrella Damm

Pavement - 00:40 - Pull & Bear


Pinpilinpussies - 16:30 - Ouigo

Cariño - 17:15 - Binance

Beach Bunny - 18:00 - Cupra

Manel - 19:00 - Pull & Bear

Fontaines DC - 20:05 - Estrella Damm

Shellac - 20:50 - Plenitude

Beck - 21:20 - Pull & Bear

Parquet Tours - 22:35 - Plenitude

Jehnny Beth - 23:30 - Ouigo


Die Katapult - 18:45 - Tous

Automatic - 19:55 - Ouigo

Black Country New Road - 20:40 - Binance

Nick Cave and the bad seeds - 22:00 - Pull & Bear

Bauhaus - 22:55 - Binance

Gorillaz - 00:15 - Estrella Damm

Que tingueu un molt bon any 2023!


Query to get drop and create foreign keys pointing to a table

When making DB scripts that massively manipulate big tables in MySQL sometimes you want do disable all foreign keys pointing to a particular table, make some operations and then enable the foreign keys again.

You can query the mysql information schema to get the metainformation of the foreign keys and generate the appropiate statements.

Just change the $db-schema-name and $table-name in this query and you can use the drop_cmd column that contains all the drop foreign keys statements and the create_cmd column that contains the add constraint statements to enable them again

, CONCAT ('alter table `',r.CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA,'`.', r.TABLE_NAME, ' drop foreign key ',r.CONSTRAINT_NAME,';') drop_cmd 
, CONCAT ('alter table `',r.CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA,'`.', r.TABLE_NAME
, ' add constraint ', r.CONSTRAINT_NAME
,' foreign key (',c.COLUMN_NAME,')'
,' on delete ', r.delete_rule
,' on update ', r.update_rule
,';') create_cmd 
WHERE r.CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA = '$db-schema-name'
Hope this will help you!


Beware of accumulating expired Octane cached items

When using swoole tables as Octane cache in Laravel, be aware that the expired cached items are never really deleted. 

The get method of the cache ignores the expired items but they are never flushed if you don't explicitly delete them. 

To avoid the Swoole Cache table to grow ad aeternum you must do some cleanup from time to time.
Define a new class that will do the clean up every minute using the Tick functionality of the Swoole extension. 


namespace xxxxxx;

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cache;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;
use Laravel\Octane\Facades\Octane;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\App;

class CacheHouseKeeping {

public static function clean () {
    Log::info("** Current date=".date('Y-m-d H:i:s')." expiring old cached items");
    foreach ($table as $key => $record) {
    if ($record['expiration']<time()) {
Log::debug("EXPIRING key=$key value=".$record['value'].' expiration='.date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $record['expiration']));
    Log::info("** Total keys scanned $i, deleted=$deleted remaining=".($i-$deleted)." finished ".date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
public static function boot() {
  Octane::tick('cache-housekeeping-ticker', fn () => self::getAndReport())

And in the file app/Providers/RouteServiceProvider.php call the boot method of the class in order to set the Ticker. 
if ($record['expiration']<time()) {


How to detect real client ip in swoole laravel octane without nginx but behind a reverse proxy


When using Laravel Octane without nginx and you're behind a load balancer like Google Cloud Platform's or Amazon AWS or other reverse proxy that sets X-FORWARDED-FOR header, you must check this header to get the real client IP.

I've tried setting TrustedProxies etc. with no succes. And Laravel Octane didn't get it right when you call request()->ip()

Finally I've found the solution getting the server parameter HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR from the request and getting the first IP from a comma separated list. 

Check in your particular case if maybe the client IP is set in other header like HTTP_REAL_IP or similar using dd(request()->server) to get all the parameters bag.

You can use this sample class (adjust your namespace):


namespace YourOrg\Helpers;

class Ip {
    public static function get () {
        if ($XFFip) {
            $ips = explode(',', $XFFip);
            $ips = array_map('trim', $ips);
            $ip = $ips[0];        
        } else {
        return $ip;

Then anywhere in your code you can use:

use YourOrg\Helpers\Ip;


echo Ip::get();

Have fun


Post resum 2021

Gadgets of the year (comprats o regalats):


Kilòmetres patinats: 930

Samarretes del any:

sadako gameboy

sushi kill bill

starters friends

scarlet witch, no more mornings

Friky coses guays:









krakend.io (lura)


phpinsights v2

hotwire turbo













api platform







Jocs als que m'he viciat aquest any:

Sparkle 2

Puyo puyo tetris

PUBG New State

Grups guays que he descobert aquest any:




Martes Niebla

Marta Movidas

Nueve desconocidos

Patio Rosemary

The Goon Sax

L.A. Exes


Margaritas podridas

Disco Las Palmeras!






Cruz de Navajas

Ciudad lineal

Depresión sonora

Último día


Chill Mafia Records


Luz Futuro


Somos la herencia


Nunca Nada


Margarita quebeada



El destello


Galería interior

Concerts als que he anat:


Pelis que he vist:

La autopsia de Jane Doe

Hellboy (2019)

JT Leroy: Engañando a Hollywood




Wonder Woman

The Big Short

El escándalo

Deadpool 2

Odio por Dani Rovira

The assistant

Las ventajas de ser un marginado


Space Sweepers

Zach Snyder’s Justice League

Capa caída


Die Hard 4.0


Hangover 2

Hangover 3

Robocop 2014

Spiderman far from home

Lego Movie 2

Los juicios de Nuremberg

Don Jon

The Circle

Army of dead

Sucker Punch

Shiva baby

Mitchells vs the machines

Jay and Silent Bob: The reboot


The night eats the world

The eight night

War of tomorrow

Terminator: Genisys

Man on the moon

A quiet place

Heavy Metal

It follows


The lost boys


John Wick 3, Parabellum

Night in Paradise

El padrino

El padrino 2

Cruella DeVil

El padrino 3



The last of wolves

Ali G indahouse

Destello bravio



Sound of violence

The thing

The lighthouse



My hero academia, hero’s world mission

Dolores. La verdad sobre el caso Wanninkhof

Greetings from Tromaville

Zombies en el cañaveral


Red State

Bohemian Rapshody


Green room

Freud: The secret passion

The Show

Atrapado en el túnel

Free guy

Frances Ha


A scanner darkly

Black Widow

Ron da error

Pelis vistes a Sitges:

Hunter Hunter

Alien on stage


Werewolves wihin

La Pasajera

Witch hunt


Le calendrier

Mona Lisa and the blood moon

Wyrmwood apocalypse

Broadcasting signal intrussion

Realidad virtual

Cliff Walkers

The amusement park

The deep house

The Sadness

The boy behind the door

Llanto Maldito

The trip

The knocking


in the earth

the exorcism of god


The power

El páramo

Hand rolled cigarrete




Eight for silver

The medium

The Samejima incident

She will



Last night in soho

The great yokai wars, Guardians




Top 5 i bottom 5 Sitges:

Top 10 (de millor a pitjor):

The Sadness

Last night in soho


Alien on stage


The trip




The deep house

Bottom 5 (de millor a pitjor):


Broadcasting signal intrussion

The boy behind the door

Llanto Maldito

The knocking



Llibres que he llegit:

The mythical man-month

Object Oriented Programming, Timothy Budd

Clean Code, Robert C. Martin

It doesn’t have to be crazy at work, Jason Fried, David Heinemeier

Ready player two, Ernest Cline

Dune (rellegit)


molts, he perdut el compte

Series a les que m'he enganxat (sense ordre particular):

La casa de papel s1,s2,s3,s4,s5

Squid game

The Soprano s1-s6

Seinfield s1-s9

Sweet Home

The morning show s1


High Score

Servant s1,s2

It’s a sin


The Boys s2

Raised by wolves


Snowpiercer s2


Mrs. Fletcher

The Crown s4

Ted Lasso

The royal house of windsor

Falcon and the winter Soldier

Snabba Cash

Queen’s Gambit

Jupiter’s Legacy

El vecino s1, s2


Sweet Tooth

Inside Job

The billion dollar code

Borat’s American Lockdown

Black Summer s1,s2

Todo lo otro s1

black Mirror s1,s2,s3

Station Eleven

The Silent sea



Curb your enthusiasm s1,s2,s3


Faemino y Cansado. Quien tuvo, retuvo


High Score

El Pepe a supreme life

Brexit at closed doors

Pobreza en Estados Unidos

Power of Grayskull

Allen vs. Farrow

Billie Eilish, the world is little blurry

Wrinkles the clown

El Víbora, Solo para supervivientes

El Terrat, los primeros 30

Lolo Rico, la mirada no inventada

The Reagan show

El culo del mundo

Friends: The reunion

Barça Dreams

Dirty Money s1, s2

Becoming Warren Buffet

Heroin, Cape Cod, USA


Q into the storm

La Familia

Lo and behold: el inicio de Internet

Los bots del dinero

El arma perfecta


El chico más bello del mundo

Jodorosky’s dune

La dura cerdad sobre la dictadura de Franco

El fin de ETA

Story of plastic

Cryptopia: Bitcoin, Blockchains and the future of the Internet

San Julian: el poder de la ilustración

What happenes to Brittany Murphy?


NYC Epicenters 9/11 -> 2021

Sortides al Extranjer:


Millors Hotels als que he anat:

Hostal Sa Tuna

Millors restaurants:


La forquilla (2)


Devil’s Kitchen

Hostal Sa Tuna